Tag: game jam

  • Version 1.1 of “Ace in Another World” Now Available

    Version 1.1 of “Ace in Another World” Now Available

    Title screen for "Ace in Another World".

    The definitive edition of “Ace in Another World: That Time You Were Reincarnated In A Fantasy World Surrounded By Beautiful Women But Weren’t Interested In Any of Them!!” is now available!

    This version is a fairly significant revamp that adds repetitive and inconsistent music, laughably bad sound effects, and even some lazy transitions and animations to help it feel more like a “finished” product. Most of the script is the same, but there’s now a brief additional line at the end to recognize whether you skipped all the encounters or not.

    I had a ton of fun making the music and sound effects myself without the pressure of trying to make something “good”. I used a lotus-tuned kalimba (without buzzers) that my late dad gave me a long time ago to make the music. I’ve been meaning to use it to make music for a game for years, but just never got around to it… Glad I finally did. 🙂

    While there are still a lot things I could do with this game (like adding a custom GUI, etc.), my goal was always just to finish making a game (for the first time in 14 years!), and I accomplished that. Now that it feels more “complete”, my plan is to leave it be and not make any more updates – except maybe to fix bugs if any are discovered. Of course, I also said that about Memoirs and I ended up making another couple of major updates…

    Anyway, thanks to everyone who has played this dumb little game so far! Make sure you also check out the “fixed” version by ashnin10, which is where I got the inspiration for the adorable little bounce animation I added in this version.

  • “Ace in Another World”: A Hilariously Bad Fantasy Adventure

    “Ace in Another World”: A Hilariously Bad Fantasy Adventure

    My entry for the “Worst Visual Novel Ever” Challenge 2024 game jam, Ace in Another World: That Time You Were Reincarnated In A Fantasy World Surrounded By Beautiful Women But Weren’t Interested In Any of Them!!, is available now on PC, Mac, and Linux.


    You find yourself reincarnated in a fantasy world of magic and monsters, tasked with defeating the evil Demon Lord. Armed with powerful magic (that you know for no explicable reason), you set out on an epic quest to slay your foe – only to be interrupted again and again by beautiful women who need your help and won’t take “no” for an answer. Can you resist their distractions and save the world?

    Developer’s Notes

    I heard about this game jam on Tumblr and immediately leapt at the chance. I struggle a lot with perfectionism and thought this would be a good chance to make something fun and silly – and maybe even finish it! – without any pressure to do a good job. The idea for this game was actually the third or fourth idea I tried. I cared too much about the other ideas to make them bad, oops.

    Ultimately, this game is inspired by all the isekai trash anime I’ve watched with my boyfriend, and all the times I wanted to tell the poor girls who throw themselves at the protagonist to get a grip because they deserve so much better.

    This game’s got it all:

    • Overpowered protagonist for no reason
    • Completely inconsistent characterization
    • Decisions that have no impact or consequences
    • Anti-climactic final battle

    The game is written in second person (“you”) and makes no references to the player’s gender, though I had a male protagonist in mind when I wrote it. The title is in reference to the story being written with an asexual protagonist in mind, and is inspired by my own thoughts and experiences as an asexual person, but the game makes no explicit references to the player’s sexuality.

    I made all of the art for the sprites and backgrounds myself, though I relied heavily on references for the character sprites. I had to start over on the backgrounds three times because I kept trying to make them good! In the end, I ended up with a super messy painted style that doesn’t look as terrible as I feared it would. I mean, at least it’s better than stick figures.

    Other than the original Memoirs of an Angel, this is the first game I’ve actually completed, so I’m pretty proud of myself. I had a lot more planned, like making my own (terrible) music, sound effects, and maybe even voice acting, but I had to remind myself that the whole point was to make something quick, fun, and low effort. I’d like to add some sort of music in a future update, though, just to give it a little extra polish.


    This game was created for the “Worst Visual Novel Ever” Challenge 2024 game jam, the goal of which is to have fun and make something terrible. That means it’s bad on purpose!

    Ace in Another World: That Time You Were Reincarnated In A Fantasy World Surrounded By Beautiful Women But Weren’t Interested In Any of Them!! by Anigrams Productions is licensed under CC BY 4.0.

    This means you can distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon this material in any medium or format, for commercial or non-commercial use, as long as attribution is given to Anigrams Productions.  

    If you do create something actually good from this idea, let me know – I’d love to see it!

    Finally, this is a work of fiction. Any similarities to real life entities, or other copyrighted works, is probably intentional purely coincidental.

  • “The Twinkling Trio” Demo is Live

    “The Twinkling Trio” Demo is Live

    And so it ends…

    The SuNoFes Game Jam ends in about 14 hours. Since I’ll be at work at that time, I went ahead and submitted my game a little early. The game is just a demo for now, but please play it and let me know what you think (including any bugs you find!). It’s available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

    To be honest, I wasn’t able to finish everything I wanted to – largely because once I realized I wouldn’t be able to finish everything before the deadline, my motivation dropped to 0. So I just didn’t touch the game for two weeks, which was like half of the total time I had to work on it.

    The end result is a fairly short and simple sample of the game. Story-wise, it consists of about 80% of the first of five acts. It’s more of a tech demo than anything, as it includes most of the programming necessary for the entirety of the game, including procedurally-generated paths for encounters similar to something like Slay the Spire. The big thing that’s missing is the “battle” system, which to be fair is the heart of the gameplay – without it, there’s no “meat”, no progression, no risk or reward.

    All that said, I’m happy I had at least something to submit for the game jam. It had been a long time (10 years+) since I seriously worked on a game, and I’d forgotten how much I loved it, so it was great to design and start building a game, even if I wasn’t able to finish it before the deadline.

    I do plan to continue working on this game after the game jam. I’ve also joined the Yuri Game Jam which starts at the end of September, but I haven’t decided yet whether I’ll work on the game I had planned for that or spend the time working on this game instead (which I don’t think is a good candidate for the Yuri Game Jam).

    My priority is, of course, to get the battle system implemented, but the biggest lift overall will be finishing writing the story. Writing is always the hardest part for me – I’m really critical about my writing, much more so than other things like programming. If I write some code and it works as expected, that’s usually good enough for me and I can move on, but I tend to dwell on my writing and pick it apart until I end up rewriting it 10 times. I’m trying not to do that this time, but… it’s really hard.

    Anyway, thank you for your support. If you do end up playing my little game demo, I would really appreciate any feedback you may have. Thanks!

    Originally posted September 3, 2021 on itch.io.

  • My First Game Jam: “The Twinkling Trio”

    My First Game Jam: “The Twinkling Trio”

    Well, this is it, folks: my entry for my first ever game jam.

    I’ve always wanted to join a game jam, but have never had the opportunity or time. As a developer, I’ve participated in a few hack-a-thons (mostly through work), but I never seemed to hear about game jams I wanted to participate in within a reasonable time to actually get them done. And the “build a game in 7 days with no time to prepare or think about it ahead of time” jams are really intimidating to me!

    But recently, out of curiosity, I checked out itch.io to see how easy it is to actually sell games on here. The answer: really easy! So I uploaded my old Memoirs of an Angel game and started looking around. Lo and behold, there’s a plethora of game jams here on itch.io of all varieties. So, I joined a couple I thought were flexible enough that I might actually be able to submit something for.

    The first is SuNoFes 2021, which runs from July 1st 2021 to September 3rd 2021, and is for visual novels or story-based games. I (perhaps stupidly) went ahead and joined it at the end of July even though there was only a month left to prepare my submission.

    The second is Yuri Game Jam 2021, which runs from September 30th 2021 to December 1st 2021, and is for games focusing on queer relationships between women. But that’s a story for later.

    Designing the Game

    I joined this game jam that was already half-over but allowed unfinished entries, thinking, “Oh, I can probably make a short visual novel in a month.” Unlike the Yuri Game Jam, I started with no ideas of what to make at all. I just started browsing free visual novel assets and hoped something would spark some inspiration.

    And that’s when I found her, my main character:

    She was so adorable with her little book, I knew I had to use her somehow. I looked up the artist and found that she had a few visual novel sprite sets for sale in a similar style, so I picked those up, too. Then I found that the artist also had some beautiful visual novel backgrounds for sale, so I bought those as well.

    But what can you make with only three girls and a bedroom?

    Designing an RPG

    Since I have an abundance of fantasy assets from Humble Bundle and other sources, I got the idea to have the girls be playing a tabletop RPG in one of the girls’ bedrooms. Because of the game-within-a-game concept, the jarring differences between the art styles of the purchased assets and the assets I already had made perfect sense, and it also gave the main character a reason to carry that book around, since it’s probably her notes and resources as the Dungeon Master.

    It also gave me a chance to design a simple tabletop RPG system. Game design and programming are my favorite aspects of game development, so designing and implementing some sort of more complex 2D gameplay was important to me. But I also wanted to keep the system as simple as possible since my main character is playing with her two friends who are new to RPGs, so I ended up going with a simplified version of this already very simple system: https://www.instructables.com/Pen-and-Paper-RPG/

    I knew I wanted to have three attributes in this system, one for each of the characters to specialize in. In order to figure out the best attribute for each character, I had to flesh them out a bit first.

    • Lisa: the nerdy, bookish type. I imagine her voice in my head as Kanna from Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid. She embodies my introversion, proud love of books and videogames, and not giving a ****.
    • Christine: the sporty, headstrong type. She reminds me of when I let loose and let myself be loud. I have to be careful to sensor her voice, because otherwise there would be a lot of swearing.
    • Jane: the perfect, goody-two-shoes type. She’s the type to be president of the student council, valedictorian, and captain of the softball team. She reminds me of a friend I had like that in high school, but she also embodies my need to always be right.

    I thought about each character and what they would prioritize. Lisa was the most obvious – of course she would value intelligence, a.k.a. Wisdom. The others were more challenging, but then I thought about what “class” each character would be. When I determined that Jane would be some sort of witch or sorceress (she was originally a “Punk Witch”, then a “Rainbow Witch”, then finally a “Moon Sorceress”), it was clear that her strength should be Magic.

    But what about Christine? Intelligence and Magic are both pretty typical attributes for a RPG, and in the usual triangle, Christine would have some sort of rogue-based class and/or attribute, like finesse or agility. Christine doesn’t scream “rogue” to me, though – she’s too loud, too in-your-face. She wouldn’t quietly backstab someone from the shadows, she would just walk up to them, say hi, and punch them in the face in the middle of a public square. So, what attribute would she value? That’s when I came up with the idea of her RPG character: a Fairy Princess who rides a skateboard. The idea is so ridiculous, but it’s so Christine. That led me to my final attribute: Style.

    Once I had my main characters and three attributes, I started designing some of the enemies and NPCs. Once again, I had a bunch of fantasy assets lying around, so I decided to just use a pack of generic monster icons. For each monster, I rolled literal dice to determine how many points each one has towards Style, Magic, and Wisdom, and then I determined which values were considered high (“Expert”), medium (“Average”), and low (“Novice”). The goal is to eventually base each monster’s personality on what attributes are high or low, but for now they’ll simply be used in combat to determine whether the enemy’s attack succeeded or failed.

    Advanced Settings

    Another thing I was putting together throughout this process was a list of Advanced Settings I would want to include in the game for players to be able to customize. Usually designing the game inspired new advanced settings, but sometimes it was the other way around and thinking about advanced settings inspired aspects of the game. I’m really happy I started thinking about it so early in the process.

    Drafting the Story

    Finally, I began thinking about the overall story, both for the “real world” of the game and the game-within-a-game.

    I brainstormed some worldbuilding ideas, but since I was using pre-made assets, not all of them could be implemented, or will be implemented in minor ways. For example, there will eventually be Priest NPCs who could represent the gods of the pantheon, though I also like the idea of them each serving some very specific monster-related god.

    As I brainstormed, I tried to think like a young girl, like my main characters. Children are so incredibly creative – they aren’t restrained by common sense or conventional wisdom, which allows them to think outside our reality. That’s hard for me, honestly, and I’m afraid it shows in what I’ve done so far. I started out with the idea of a crazy, nonsensical fantasy setting, but ended up with a fairly generic one… but hopefully I’ll be able to clean that up when I have time after the jam.

    Because I had five fantasy RPG backgrounds in the pack I was using, I had the idea of making each one a chapter/act, and looked up what a five-act story structure might look like. I wrote the Overall Story with that in mind, and briefly noted how that might play out across the five chapters or Encounters.

    Building the Game

    After a few days of planning to come up with all of that, I started working on putting the actual game together. Since I knew I was going to use a visual novel format, I chose to use Ren’Py, which is a visual novel engine I’ve used in the past (like…10 years ago).

    In one day, I managed to get the main “Encounter” game loop implemented. I wrote mostly pure Python, building out Python classes for Encounters, Scenarios, Heroes, Enemies, NPCs, etc. Unfortunately, I found out the hard way that pure Python generally doesn’t play nice with Ren’py’s rollback feature, so I had to turn that off until I can find the time to make all my Python code work with it. Sad trombone.

    Since then, I’ve been making steady progress. Most of the gameplay systems are implemented, including merchants, treasure, campfires, and story scenarios. I still have a few pieces of the battle system to implement, but then I’ll be done programming-wise.

    …Which means that all that’s left is the writing, my least favorite part. Writing is hard for me. I’ve always loved coming up with stories and characters, and I used to love writing as a kid. Whenever I had some downtime, I would write short stories about the characters living in my head. But somewhere along the line, writing became a very stressful activity for me, and now I avoid it.

    Honestly, the main blocker for me making progress on my work-in-progress games (like the Memoirs reboot) is the writing. The fear of writing a sub-par story is paralyzing. I don’t get like this with writing code or anything else, but something within me thinks that if I can’t write a perfect, amazing story on the first try, then I’m a failure of a game developer. And like Jane, I don’t like failure, I want it to be perfect.

    I’m really trying to get over this fear and force myself to write. I’m about 1/5 through writing the main story so far, so we’ll see how it goes.

    Going Forward

    I’ve made enough progress on this game that I can at least feel confident enough in submitting it by the 3rd of September, even if it’s not “done” by then. Even if I only submit the first chapter (1/5 of the game), that’s still more than I’ve done in the last 10 years.

    And once I finish writing the main story, I have a lot of features I’d like to add. Some of it will require more writing (ugh), but a lot of it will involve some fun programming work, so I’m excited. We’ll have to see whether I get to those before or after the next game jam, though.

    Anyway, thank you for reading this ridiculously long post! I’ll try to write smaller, more frequent updates in the future.

    Hope you all get a chance to play the game. And don’t forget to let me know if you enjoyed it. 🙂

    Originally posted August 15, 2021 on itch.io.